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Join date: Jul 8, 2022



Life at the university is full of difficulties. Quarrels and misunderstandings will arise not only with classmates, but also with teachers as well. The reasons for such a struggle can be very different. Starting from personal hostility, ending with the injustice that comes from the teacher.

This situation continues to escalate. Ultimately, the relationship deteriorates altogether. In such a case, it would be wise to change the teacher to another. At In this article, have put together a couple of tips that will help you in this difficult situation

Is it possible to change the teacher at the university

Yes it is possible. Many students complain to senior staff and ask to change teachers for the following reasons:

  1. The teacher often misses his classes.

  2. The teacher too often discusses stories that have nothing to do with the topic.

  3. The rector is very poorly versed in the subject, and the students often correct him.

  4. The teacher lowers grades and humiliates students. The teacher uses an abstract teaching strategy, treats students unjustifiably.

Of course, these are not all the reasons why a student may not want to study with a particular teacher. But, it is important to understand: every student has the right to receive a quality university education. If the teacher is not able to teach applicants, action must be taken.

The office staff of the senior manager would not want to destroy the relationship with the "problem" teacher and remove him from his post. He is often convinced students pay no attention to his antics. But, this only exacerbates the situation.

How to change teacher

For this step, it is important to prepare carefully. To replace a teacher, it is necessary to draw up a competent application. As an argument, the student group must put their signatures on the document, which confirm that they also do not want to learn from the teacher.

How to write a complaint

A request to replace a teacher must be written in a strict, logical order:

  • title;

  • title and purpose of the document;

  • its purpose is “we ask you to replace the teacher” (indicating the full name and position);

  • alleged reasons;

  • date and stamps of the backup.

How to put another teacher

In the event that a student questions the objectivity of a teacher, he also has the opportunity to apply for a change of teacher. The document is written according to the same structure.

Such a statement can also be made if the teacher demands a bribe. However, remember that this is too serious a presentation, and it should be put forward only if there is evidence and persons who can confirm the offense.

Remember: don't be afraid to stand up for your rights. If your accusations are justified and have support from classmates, you have every chance of winning.


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